Articles written by: Elsie Edwards

After Reaching Milestone, Is Biotime Inc (NYSEAMERICAN:BTX)’s Short Interest Revealing Something?

After Reaching Milestone, Is Biotime Inc (NYSEAMERICAN:BTX)’s Short Interest Revealing Something?

Investors sentiment increased to 2 in 2019 Q1. Its up 0.81, from 1.19 in 2018Q4. It improved, as 13 investors sold BioTime, Inc. shares while 15 reduced holdings. 22 funds opened positions while 34 raised stakes. 60.97 million shares or 15.50% more from 52.79 million shares in 2018Q4 were reported. […]

Analysts See $0.30 EPS for Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated (SYKE)

Analysts See $0.30 EPS for Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated (SYKE)

Investors sentiment increased to 1.52 in Q1 2019. Its up 0.45, from 1.07 in 2018Q4. It improved, as 9 investors sold Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated shares while 49 reduced holdings. 19 funds opened positions while 69 raised stakes. 37.40 million shares or 0.86% less from 37.72 million shares in 2018Q4 were […]

Formula One Group (FWONA) Can’t Be Less Risky. The Stock Formed a Bullish Double Top

Formula One Group (FWONA) Can’t Be Less Risky. The Stock Formed a Bullish Double Top

The chart of Formula One Group (FWONA) shows a double top with $39.31 target or 8.00 % above today’s $36.40 share price. The 5 months chart pattern indicates low risk for the $8.81 billion company. It was reported on Jul, 15 by If the $39.31 price target is reached, […]

Is Major Move Coming For National Retail Properties, Inc. (NNN) After This Double Top Chart Pattern?

Is Major Move Coming For National Retail Properties, Inc. (NNN) After This Double Top Chart Pattern?

Investors sentiment increased to 1.42 in Q1 2019. Its up 0.16, from 1.26 in 2018Q4. It increased, as 25 investors sold National Retail Properties, Inc. shares while 88 reduced holdings. 41 funds opened positions while 120 raised stakes. 143.01 million shares or 3.80% less from 148.66 million shares in 2018Q4 […]

As Tsmc (TSM) Share Price Rose, Holder Flow Traders Us LLC Decreased Its Stake

As Tsmc (TSM) Share Price Rose, Holder Flow Traders Us LLC Decreased Its Stake

Flow Traders Us Llc decreased its stake in Tsmc (TSM) by 23.04% based on its latest 2019Q1 regulatory filing with the SEC. Flow Traders Us Llc sold 101,640 shares as the company’s stock rose 10.07% with the market. The institutional investor held 339,495 shares of the semiconductors company at the […]

Schafer Cullen Capital Management INC Has Boosted Bce INC  (BCE) Stake by $3.50 Million as Share Price Rose

Schafer Cullen Capital Management INC Has Boosted Bce INC (BCE) Stake by $3.50 Million as Share Price Rose

Schafer Cullen Capital Management Inc increased its stake in Bce Inc. (BCE) by 2.32% based on its latest 2019Q1 regulatory filing with the SEC. Schafer Cullen Capital Management Inc bought 79,570 shares as the company’s stock rose 4.07% with the market. The hedge fund held 3.52M shares of the public […]

Espey MFG & Electronics Corp’s (NYSEMKT:ESP) Sentiment is 3.33

Espey MFG & Electronics Corp’s (NYSEMKT:ESP) Sentiment is 3.33

Sentiment for Espey MFG & Electronics Corp (NYSEMKT:ESP) Espey MFG & Electronics Corp (NYSEMKT:ESP) institutional sentiment increased to 3.33 in Q1 2019. Its up 2.83, from 0.5 in 2018Q4. The ratio is positive, as 10 hedge funds increased and opened new stock positions, while 3 sold and decreased holdings in […]

$0.81 EPS Expected for Oasis Midstream Partners LP (OMP)

Analysts expect Oasis Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:OMP) to report $0.81 EPS on August, 5.They anticipate $0.36 EPS change or 80.00 % from last quarter’s $0.45 EPS. OMP’s profit would be $27.37 million giving it 6.74 P/E if the $0.81 EPS is correct. After having $0.63 EPS previously, Oasis Midstream Partners […]