Transcat Inc (NASDAQ:TRNS) Stock Sentiment Improves

Sentiment for Transcat Inc (NASDAQ:TRNS)

Transcat Inc (NASDAQ:TRNS) institutional sentiment increased to 1.72 in Q1 2019. Its up 0.58, from 1.14 in 2018Q4. The ratio is more positive, as 31 investment managers increased and started new equity positions, while 18 sold and decreased stakes in Transcat Inc. The investment managers in our partner’s database reported: 4.37 million shares, up from 4.18 million shares in 2018Q4. Also, the number of investment managers holding Transcat Inc in their top 10 equity positions was flat from 1 to 1 for the same number . Sold All: 4 Reduced: 14 Increased: 16 New Position: 15.

Transcat, Inc. provides calibration and laboratory instrument services in the United States, Canada, and internationally. The company has market cap of $181.03 million. It operates in two divisions, Service and Distribution. It has a 26.09 P/E ratio. The Service segment offers calibration, repair, inspection, analytical qualifications, preventative maintenance, consulting, and other related services.

The stock decreased 0.88% or $0.22 during the last trading session, reaching $24.79. About 20,744 shares traded. Transcat, Inc. (NASDAQ:TRNS) has risen 46.73% since June 10, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 42.30% the S&P500.

Analysts await Transcat, Inc. (NASDAQ:TRNS) to report earnings on July, 23. They expect $0.25 earnings per share, up 31.58 % or $0.06 from last year’s $0.19 per share. TRNS’s profit will be $1.83 million for 24.79 P/E if the $0.25 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.35 actual earnings per share reported by Transcat, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -28.57 % negative EPS growth.

Minerva Advisors Llc holds 5.08% of its portfolio in Transcat, Inc. for 395,892 shares. Thb Asset Management owns 241,906 shares or 0.81% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Punch & Associates Investment Management Inc. has 0.67% invested in the company for 340,398 shares. The Connecticut-based Manatuck Hill Partners Llc has invested 0.55% in the stock. Heartland Advisors Inc, a Wisconsin-based fund reported 300,000 shares.

More notable recent Transcat, Inc. (NASDAQ:TRNS) news were published by: which released: “Do Insiders Own Shares In Transcat, Inc. (NASDAQ:TRNS)? - Yahoo Finance” on May 06, 2019, also with their article: “5 Drug Stocks Poised to Surpass on Earnings This Quarter - Nasdaq” published on April 17, 2018, published: “Toll Brothers, Inc. (TOL) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for January 10, 2019 - Nasdaq” on January 09, 2019. More interesting news about Transcat, Inc. (NASDAQ:TRNS) were released by: and their article: “Transcat acquires NBS Calibrations, Inc. - Seeking Alpha” published on June 29, 2018 as well as‘s news article titled: “Toll Brothers, Inc. (TOL) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for October 11, 2018 - Nasdaq” with publication date: October 10, 2018.

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